Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A wonderful surprise!

Yesterday, mom and I were sitting outside enjoying the beautiful day. Mom was reading and I was hand appliqueing. The postman came and delivered a package all the way from Oz. Hum.... I quickly opened it and found these wonderful goodies from Leigh. What a pleasant surprise! I just couldn't believe it!

There's this beautiful fabric from The Old German Quilthouse. Two (2) Freddo, Chocolate Koalas and a Polly waffle, which are all new to me. Two (2) Caramello Koala, yes one's missing. I gave one to my mom. They are to die for! Believe me, the one left is NOT because I have immense willpower, but because my body has not yet recovered. I'll spare you the details. I'm guarding the last one! Hands off - I'm not sharing! lol

Last but not least, Words of Wisdom Stitchery - a Christine Book Designs. The stitchery says "My soul is fed by needle and thread". It is just beautiful! I have been toying with the idea of getting back into embroidery. So many of my imaginary friends (as Leigh's DH likes to tease) embroider and their work is gorgeous. This was a hobby I used to do in high school. I still have a pair of jeans that I embellished with hand embroidery! They don't fit, but hey, I still have them. When I'm better perhaps I'll dig them out and take a photo of them! This stitchery kit will provide me with the perfect opportunity to get back into it.

This surprise could not have come at a better time. I have not been feeling my best. I really didn't expect to feel this way. It seems to be taking forever for my body to recover from the surgery. Thank you Leigh, you made my day!


Anonymous said...

Isn't it nice to get surprise mail? Oh some of my favorites there, chocolate koalas,,,mmm brings back rather nice memories, sorry to hear that you're still not feeling 100%. Get well soon, and rest up.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Imaginary friends, don't fool yourself... we're all real and we're here to cheer each other on... whatever the circumstances or goal, they're all attainable with friends on your side and in your corner! You can count on that!! Feel better soon, we all want a bite of your chocolate bear!! ;)

Libby said...

A surprise package is always just the right medicine *s*

Unknown said...

I do hope you will recover soon.

Kim said...

Give yourself time to recover, Carole--it really hasn't been very long, although it must seem like it since you aren't able to do the things you normally would be doing. Sounds like you and your mom had a lovely but relaxing time!

Shelina said...

Carole, my prayers are with you for a speedy recovery. It's great that you are maintaining a positive attitude, and I'm sure with time, you will be back to normal soon. Give yourself plenty of time to heal. And if you can embroider while you are recovering, that's the perfect excuse to enjoy your hobby.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh my friend who lives in OZ sends me Freddo Frogs too - they are soooo good! Please take it easy, I'm sorry your still not feeling perfect, but don't push it.

Wendy said...

Good timing on the surprise package. A little pick me up! Get some rest and you'll be feeling better in no time.

May Britt said...

Your little stitchery is so cute. Love the saying on it.
And what about find your jeans with embroidery again, and if they not fit anymore, why not make a bag of them. I believe that would make a beautiful jeansbag.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Relaxing is good, surprises even better. How sweet that was! Take care of you!!

atet said...

What a great surprise! Come on drink the cool aid -- um, I mean, start doing embroidery again! Join the madness!

So glad to hear your surgery went well, and don't push it. Give yourself time to heal and rest.

Pam said...

Nice package you received. I can't say as I've ever had a Freddo Frog! Is it chocolate?

It does take a while to recover so don't try to push it too much and just take it easy for as long as possible :))

Anne Heidi said...

Such a wonderful surprise! Enjoy all the goodies while you recover!

Nicole said...

Leigh is so thoughtful. Sometimes it is such a help to have a simple distraction such as a box of goodies from a far away friend. Keep soaking up the sunshine and the company of your family, and you will see yourself begin to progress back to health. If only it wasn't so slow!

Nicole & Phil said...

ohhhh....Caramello Koalas arae my favourite...I am drooling from here!
Here are the instructions to eat them.
Eat the feet first, then nibble a bit at the bottom part until you see some of the caramel.
suck the caramel out and slowly eat the chocolate as it melts in your mouth...
I have to go...I am drooling on the keyboard

Anonymous said...

Hi Carole,
I'm glad you are home from but I must have missed something somewhere. I hope your ok and everything is better. I'm not sure why you were in the hospital but I'm thinking about ya. Oh and thanks for doing the "list" it was great.

Meredith said...

Take care of yourself! You will be in my prayers. I love chocolate with our without carmel. LOL.

Chookyblue...... said...

hi tried to leave a message before you went to hospital but things were not working on the computer and I don't think it went thru...pleased to here everything has gone well for you....as for the caramello koala's lucky I live in OZ....

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