On the finish front, I have been working on The Circuit Rider's Quilt - An Album Honoring a Beloved Minister by Jenifer Dick. It's a needleturn applique class I'm teaching at the Shoppe.

I decided to use some of my scraps from the Women of Influence quilt.
I'm not a scrap collector and therefore am always looking to use any left overs as soon as I can.
I really admire people who are able to work with scraps. Unless I can use them within a reasonable time frame in another project, I give them away to a good cause.

The leafs and center bulb are fabrics from the newest Judy Rothermel collection, The Civil War Tribute, from Marcus Bros. What a sweet line of fabrics they are. I do plan on incorporating more of that line in future blocks. For the circles, I did use scraps.
I realize that I have not been as diligent about blogging and I do want to apologize. So to make up for my lack, it's time for a give away.
Remember that quilt I finished a while back? You can view it here.
The pattern was called Stars Aligned by Cozy Quilt Designs.

All of the fabrics, except inner border and corner stones, come from the Moda line; Glace by Three Sisters.
The blueish fabric that you see is called Grunge Blue, also a Moda designed by Basic Grey.
There you have, the prize to be given away.
So, leave a comment on this blog entry and you will be entered in the give away.
The dead line is April 10, 2010. Good luck!
Thank you for stopping by and for your patience with my lack of posting. Cheers!