In the meantime, I've been plugging away at various projects; so I have nothing completed to show you at the present moment. Since I like to play games, I thought we could play one together.
Those of you young enough to remember Sesame Street may be familiar with Cookie Monster's game "One of these things is not like the other." I love Sesame Street. It wasn't around in my early youth, but since I haven't grown up yet... of course I'm familiar with the show! lol
Let's start!
Remember Coney Island, well there's a humility block in there. I didn't notice it until I was almost done with the machine quilting. And, I only noticed it because my quilting movement did not feel like the others. ;o)

I haven't decided the prize yet, but I will pick something nice. Hum....
Oh.... this is going to be fun!
Deadline for the draw is July 1, 2010. Good luck!
Thanks for playing with me. Have yourself a great week! Cheers!