Saturday, June 9, 2007

I'm back!

First and foremost, I want to say thank you! Thank you from the bottom of my hearth to all who thought of me and or kept me in their prayers. You cannot imagine how much this meant to me. I am truly blessed. Luckily, it was not cancerous and the damage cause by the endometriosis was manageable. Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts.

Stephen and dd came to pick me around noon. I was schedule to stay one more day, but I asked to go home. I know my body and one more day at the hospital isn't going to make it better. I wanted to be with my family. Love has enormous healing powers!

Once home I was due for a nap! As much as I wanted to check out blogs, it just wouldn't be happening without a nap. Here I am fully energized and back to blogging. I think it's called an addiction! lol But you gals are so inspirational! I love reading what you've been up too!

Sweetie has just installed the air conditioners in our bedroom and my sewing room. No sense being uncomfortable. DD is out with mom to the movies and a dinner at Friendly's. Now I just wish I had the energy to quilt! lol

Thanks you again everyone, for thinking of me!


Nicole said...

Such good news Carole! Take good care of yourself during your recovery. It sounds like your dear family is looking after you splendidly.

Darlene said...

Outstanding news, Carole! Rest, rest, rest - it's the best, you know! And remember to let your family take care of you.

CONNIE W said...


Quilting Kim said...

Take good care of yourself. Just put your feet up, rest, and let your family take care of you - you deserve it.

Kim said...

I ALMOST didn't check your blog because I thought you'd still be gone! I'm so happy to hear you're home and doing reasonably well! I know what you mean about the hospital--being at home is much, much, MUCH better! So you have much pain? How long is your recovery supposed to take? Missed you and glad you're back here in Blogland, Carole!

Leigh said...

What a relief. Wonderful news!
Now just concentrate on getting better. Once you recover from the surgery you should start to feel like a new woman.
Glad you're back so soon :-)))

Quilts And Pieces said...

What happy news to read tonight! Please take it easy though. We will always be here!

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Glad to hear you are home and resting. Hope it won't be too long before you are back quilting.


Greenmare said...

make sure you get enough rest! We always seem to think these things are no big deal and we will be back to normal in no time. Don't do too many stairs! Trust me on that one!

Unknown said...

That´s great news. Glad to hear you are back home and with your family. Have a good rest and take care.

Anonymous said...

Great news Carole, now plenty of rest and you'll soon be back to your quilting.

Wendy said...

That's wonderful news! You get lots of rest and we'll be here waiting.

Angela said...

Glad this is over and behind you now honey. Take care of you. Go easy.

Nicole & Phil said...

Terrific to hear that you are back at home!
Take Care of yourself...and don't overdo it!

use the time to read through all your quilt mags and books again!

Cynthia said...

i'm so glad to hear you are home again. Take it easy and look after yourself

Libby said...

Good news is the best *s* Rest up . . . you'll be stitchin' before you know it.

swooze said...

Glad you are back and with great news too! The quilting will come all in good time!

Hey, I think your are creeping up to the top of the UFO challenge list!

Rose Johnston said...

Great news Carole.....take good care of urself and enjoy ur rest!!

Jeanne said...

I'm happy you have good news! It's good to have you back. Take it easy and put your feet up for a spell.

Patti said...

Playing catch up reading as always these days - what wonderful news about the negative biopsy! Hang in there - your body will tell you when it's all right to do things. Listen to it so you don't have any set backs. Sending lots of prayers and healing thoughts your way.

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