Monday, December 30, 2013

Spoiled ....!

By a couple of wonderful quilters on Blogland.  I feel so grateful.  First let me share what Debbie from Woolensails sent me!

Isn't it just beautiful?!  I love snowmen!  Thank you so much Debbie for thinking of me.

I also participated in a Mug Rug Swap that Debbie organized with a Prim group I belong too. My partner was Karen from Log Cabin Quilter who need I say, went beyond the requirements.

Wanna see the beautiful gifts?

Adorable! Stephen is building me some shelves for my sewing studio (yes it's still not all organized - surprised?) and it will have a permanent spot! To cute not to enjoy all year!

A cute wallhanging and a mug rug!  More snowmen - how did she know that I just love snowmen?  And if this wasn't enough .....

How cute is that?  Can you say "spoiled"?  Indeed I have been spoiled this holiday season.

Thank you so much Debbie and Karen for spoiling me.  You have no idea how much this means to me.  It's been a crazy year and your thoughtfulness is much appreciated.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Hey ... How are ya....?

I sure hope Santa's been good to you!  Ok, perhaps it should be stated, "I sure hope you were on Santa's nice list".  Of course, it's not as much fun as being naughty .....

Although I've been a naughty girl this year on blogland and posting, Santa seemed to have overlooked that and bought me ...

A Mac book Pro with retina display.  I'd love to say that I have spent time with it and am now fully using it, but no .... it's a whole new learning curve.  I need to sit myself down and spend time learning photo editing.

What I have been doing is finishing projects.  Indeed, I finished a quilt that has been weighing heavy.  You know, one of those projects that you want to finish but .... it's complicated by techniques and mistakes...

I took a couple of days off from Fibre and worked on it. Voila!

Snow Day - fabric and pattern by Edyta Sitar.  Love how it turned out!

Despite the busy holidays, I leveled Penelope and ....

Had a wonderful play date.  We hadn't played in such a long time ... since she was re-assembled after the renovations!  It's been way to long!

It feels wonderful to have gotten the top done ... it makes me want to start of a new project! lol

So what have you been up to?

Thanks for stopping by!  Cheers!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Friday, December 6, 2013

Bird by bird ...!

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed that you have no idea where to start?  So, you just sit there in a bubble, ignoring everything around you until it all magically disappears.  Ok, so it  doesn't magically disappears, but the bubble does give one a false sense of being under control!

My present state reminds me of a story I read in a book called Bird by Bird, written by Anne Lamott.  Her older brother had a book report on birds for which he had 3 months to complete, but decided to work on it the night before it was due.  Sitting at the kitchen table surrounded by books, papers etc ... and paralyzed by the immense work ahead with so little time, his father sat down next to him and said "Bird by bird, buddy. Just take it bird by bird". (p. 19)

Great piece of advice for times when one feels overwhelmed.  So today I am dealing with one bird, and that is the give away courtesy of Edyta Sitar posted on Taking care of business.

And the winner is ..... drum roll please ......

So Pat from Bits and Pieces blog please get in touch with me so that we can make arrangements for your lovely prize.

Thank you everyone for stopping by my little corner in cyberspace!  Onward to the next bird...! Cheers!
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