Saturday, June 8, 2024

Trip down memory lane .... Part 2

 My next stop was in St. Lunaire, there I booked a whale watching tour with The Dark Tickle Company. By the way, a dark tickle in Newfoundland is a narrow salt water strait. 

My ride ....

Me, all suited up and ecstatic for the journey ... it does get cold out there!

A site along the way. For some, a boat is their only means of transportation. Roads do not access all places in Newfoundland.

Roads do not access all places in Newfoundland.

Although, the guides had warned us that the prior groups that day had not seen any whales, they came out for us. They are such magnificent beauties, so graceful, so majestic. 

I love whale tales!

Another beauty!
I have the privilege so seen two (2) whales breach ... I was in such awe that I did not press the shutter fast enough ... 

And of course ... some feeding time.

Coming back to shore.

Thanks for stopping by ... Cheers!

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Trip down memory lane .... Part 1

 Last year, my summer vacation took place in Newfoundland, Canada. I have always wanted to visit this province, it is far but so worth it. It did not disappoint, well one thing did but that's for later.

My focus last summer was on the western side of Newfoundland. 

I took the overnight ferry from Sydney, Nova Scotia to Port aux Basque, NF. My ride!

The ferry ride was wonderful and I managed to capture this lovely sun rise as he headed towards inland.

Once on land, I was free to roam as I will. I had no plans, no reservations, no nothing ... it would be a vacation full of unknowns, just me and my camera. I would camp where ever was available. It all worked out fine. 

My lovely home while in NF ... it was cozy!

I worked my way up the eastern coast and, let me tell you, it is absolutely gorgeous ... miles and miles of ocean coast interspersed with small quaint villages along the way. 

I stayed a couple of nights at Gros Morne National Park. There, I witness some beautiful sunsets.

The beach was close to my camp site and so accessible. I would go there at night and gaze at the stars. There was no light pollution, it was a crystal clear sky, miles and miles of stars. I had never seen the edge of the Milky Way and there it was, in all its beauty. I was in awe! 

I worked my way up the northern coast to L'Anse aux Meadow National Historic Site and visited a viking settlement dated over 1,000 years. Ah, Columbus was not the first to North America! 

The Viking shore.

Viking village and homes.

I have to hand it to the Government of Canada for preserving historic sites and making them accessible to the public. I have never been disappointed with any Canadian National Parks. 

Stay tune ... more to come! Catch you all later!

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

And so it goes .....

Life has been somewhat quiet. With my mom gone, there's such a void in my life. I miss her dearly.

In the meantime, I'm enjoying a small break before the hectic sets in again. I've started a new knitting project, a shawl. I wanted to challenge myself and a challenge it is. The shawl is worked bottom up. The pattern is called Skovbund by Fiber Tales 

Photo from Fiber Tales

The yarn that I'm using is Julie Asselin, Anatolia (60% Kid mohair & 40% Silk), and Leizu Fingering (90% Merino & 10% Silk) in the colour Purple Carrot. Such lovely yarn ... oh so soft!

So Far, I haven't made much progress ... I've been frogging more times than I would like to admit. I cannot seem to get the stitch count to work out.

I need to put this project down for a bit .... I need to figure something out before I frog one more time! Sigh!

Catch you all later. Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Frittata kick .... !

I've never been much of a frittata kind of gal. Never made it myself until now. To me, it just tasted like an omelet, bland and yuck! So it was never a dish I would make .... That is .... until I came upon a recipe from Mary Jane Butter's magazine MaryJanesFarm. That's when I fell in love with frittatas and have not looked back.

I have since adapted the recipe to what ever is in my fridge.  Today I made a Broccoli Frittata and it's delicious! It taste even better the next day! Just warm it in the oven ... Voila! ... you have lunch!


8 eggs

1/4 cup of milk (whole fat milk or cream)

1/2 cup of grated Sharp Cheddar cheese

1/4 cup of grated Parmesan cheese

1/4 tsp of kosher salt (to taste)

1/8 tsp of pepper (to taste)

2 Tbsp of unsalted butter

1 small minced onion

1 minced shallot (optional)

1 minced garlic clove

1 head of cooked broccoli (pre-cooked/can use frozen or fresh)

Preheat oven at 400F

Combine eggs, milk & mix until smooth. Stir in the cheese, salt and pepper. Mix well and set aside.

Melt butter in a 9inch cast iron pan (or pan of your choice); add the onions and shallots. Cook until translucent; add the garlic and cook stirring frequently. (approximately 5 minutes). Add the broccoli.

Brush side of pan with butter (prevent eggs from sticking), pour the egg mixture. Distribute evenly.

Pop it in the over 400F for 20 minutes (or longer depending on your oven)

Let it cool for 5 - 10 minutes.


Thanks for stopping by my little corning in cyberspace! Cheers!

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