I've been watching a documentary on the History Channel via Netflix called The Universe. That's how I get a lot of hand work done. There's nothing like getting an education while working on some hand projects. I'm the queen of multi-tasking, but I'm digressing..... ;o)
Anyway, come to find out that had it not been for our moon, this earth would be in a big mess! I learned so much about the positive benefits of the moon's gravitational pull and I'm not just talking about tides here! ;o) Next time you look up to the heavens, be thankful! This planet we call earth and it's surroundings is truly amazing!
On the quilting front, I've been scheduling play dates with Penelope.

It's a lot harder than it looks! It's challenging to say the least!
I'm positive I have some warpies going on here! But, I won't show you where they are! lol
I've had this little reproduction quilt top done for a while, waiting to schedule some time to quilt it! I'm hoping to have it finished today so that I can show it to you as a finish!
Thanks for stopping by! Enjoy the day! Cheers!