Friday, June 22, 2007

Happy 75th blog posting anniversary!

What a beautiful day it was!

Given that I'm feeling much better, I took the opportunity to attend my Friday Quilting Bee. It's so wonderful to be amongst quilting friends! Best of all, Holly also had a chance to join us, which was such a treat. I did some hand sewing on the binding for Against the Grain Quilt!

Our Quilting Bee meets at Jennifer's house, whom I have convinced to start blogging. I'm presently working on Holly and Lora. ;o) Please pop on over to encourage Jennifer. She is an amazing quilter and as far as I'm concerned, a Saint. She has five (5) beautiful children who keep her quite busy and she still finds time to quilt. We won't get into the fact that she just adopted two (2) of the cuties puppies.

Given that this is my 75th post, I want to have a little surprise give away. Leave me a comment and I shall have a drawing on Sunday. I will be going for some quilting therapy tomorrow with this particular drawing in mind. ;o)

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my blog.

I'm thankful for the amazing friends I have made here on blogland.

Have a great weekend everyone!


Sweet P said...

Happy anniversary! Have fun with your quilt therapy.

jennifer said...

you brought tears to my eyes. thanks for becoming my friend and and adding your own bit of sass to our group! it was great to see you today (and i am only a saint on fridays :0)

Annie said...

congradulations on your 75th post!! I enjoy stopping by to see what you are up to - keep blogging!!!

Leigh said...

75 you don't look a day over 21!! ;-)
Well done and enjoy your retail therapy.
Stitching friends are the best aren't they!

Darlene said...

Happy, Happy 75th post - woohoo! I'm so glad that you ventured into blogland. It's been so much fun getting to know you.

Elaine Adair said...

Happy anniversary! I passed up my 75th and am getting close to my 100th! Hope I can stay focused long enough to think of something clever to do about it!

Thanks for the tip on Jennifer. Cute family/puppies/kids, etc.

Melanie said...

I'm so glad we've met...There's just something special about a quilter....Since our quilt shop closed in town this is the only " quilt bonding" I have. I'd really miss it if I couldn't visit now and again...Enjoy your weekend.

Anonymous said...

Happy 75th anniversary, hope you enjoy your quilt therapy. Have a great weekend.

Valerie said...

Happy 75th post blogiversary! :)

atet said...

Oooh -- happy 75th post and enjoy the quilt therapy. I may have indulged a bit myself today -- just maybe!

Kim said...

What? Carole add a bit of sass? Surely not! LOL! Hey, congrats on your 75th post! Pick me, pick me, pick me! LOL!

Pam said...

Happy 75th post. There have been quite a recent blog milestones. I should check mine - I am not even sure how many posts I have done to date.

Good to hear you are feeling much better :))

Unknown said...

I am so glad that I entered blogland and got to "know" quilters like you. Happy anniversary.

May Britt said...

Happy blogiversary. Love to visit your blog. Blogland is a wonderful place filled with good friends. Have a nice day

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Glad you are feeling better and getting back to "normal". Congrat's on 75 posts...and here's to 75 more!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 75 posts!
I am enjoying following your progess on Baltimore Country Cousins quilt, this quilt is also on my list of quilts I would love to make!
Kathie in NJ

Judith said...

Happy anniversary. Now on to another 75.

Joyce said...

Happy 75th and hopefully there will be another 75 so we can contiue to enjoy your posts.

CONNIE W said...

Well add my name to your drawing list! It's been fun getting to know each other here in blogworld, you always add some sparkle to my world. Enjoy your quilting therapy! Connie

~Bren~ said...

Congrats on your 75th post!! Your blog is wonderful. I am pretty new to blogging and finding my way around. Glad I found your blog! Bren

dot said...

Happy 75 posts. I look forward to reading many many more.

Wendy said...

Congrats on the 75th. I'm very happy to have found you in blogland, it's always a treat to read your blog.

Anonymous said...

Love your posts. We have the same taste so it's always fun to lurk and see what you're up to. Happy #75

Anonymous said...

happy 75 th
I love to read your blog often and look forward to reading many more
Beth AU

Beth said...

Congrats on your 75th post! I love checking in on your blog and seeing what new and wonderful project you are working on :) Keep up the great work!

Chookyblue...... said...

happy 75th Post...count me in the draw.....

Anne Heidi said...

Happy blogiversary! I hope you have fun today, and I am so glad you are feeling better. It's been great getting to know you, and I'm looking forward to your next 75 posts!
Hugs :)

swooze said...

Glad you are on the mend. You really got back into your sewing with ease it seems. Hope you are resting too!

Unknown said...

Happy 75 posts - have a good weekend

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your Blog anniversary. To the next 750 posts!
It has been nice to get to know you and your projects. If I knit you a pair of socks, do I get more chances to win?! Take care.

Hanne said...

Happy 75 anniversary - and many more to come :-)

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