In the spirit of Halloween, my favourite holiday next to Christmas, I'm having a give away. There's something about Halloween that just brings out the kid in me! Well, okay, the kid's always out but you know what I mean! lol
Anyway, I've been plugging away on a new project that I want to share with you.
Tah... dah...... !
In order to be eligible, you have to guess the name of the pattern I'm presently working on. Hum.... should I be giving out clues....? lol
The dead line is November 3, 2008.
Another option is....
Guess what special occasion takes place on November 3.
If you answer either questions correctly or both, your name will go in a draw.
I really love this pattern. I've already picked a name for that quilt. It will be called Midnight's Silhouette.
Here is is!
When I took my broom out to take a picture, there he appeared, all eager for a ride! lol
He's such a cutey pie! lol
For the pass week, I've been cleaning my sewing room. On Friday, I'll be leaving for a 3 (three) day quilting retreat at Wadhams in Ogdensburg, New York.
I've cleaned out my stash closet, looking for UFOs as well as kits I had purchased. I've been told that I should bring as many projects as I can. Gosh, I hope I'm packing the right stuff. I've never been to a quilting retreat, so I have no clue as to how much is too much or not enough. But, I'm sure it will be a great time.
I'm off to get my day started. So much to do! Thanks for stopping by. I do enjoy your company! Keep warm!
Hmmmm, can't think of the pattern name. So how about Nov 3 being a birthday in the family. I am not very good at guessing things. :~)
Are you a witch? LOL I love the broom and the black kitty. Very Halloween!
It's Happy Birthday to you day and also my youngest son turns 15 the same day! is a big Happy Birthday to you and many more!
To be absolutely sure I went back to your 2007 archives....sure enough!
How's your longarming? You hadn't posted about that much as of late.
Happy Birthday to you as well and thanks Quilt Hollow - I was just about to do the same thing, LOL. The name of your pattern is Midnight Silhoutte - lol, I read your blog and since that is what you are calling it, that is what I guess. I just love both your black cats - the real one and the fat cat one.
Celebrating your 29th!!
Happy 'early' birthday, Carole! (Checked your archives to find out - LOL)
Haven't a clue about the pattern, but looking at your archives it is easy to see that November 3rd is your birthday! BONNE FETE!
Hope you have a great day full of happy memories, cake and ice cream!
Having no idea what the pattern might be, I'm guessing that Nov 3 is your birthday.
Connie W
Cootie Bug
Cat on Hot Tin Roof is my lame guess! Is Nov 3rd your birthday?
Oh my goodness!! Are you a Scorpio.. My BD is also on Nov 3rd.. but not as young as you!! no wonder you so talented..LOL
Happy Birthday!!
Midnight Silhouette by Blackbird Designs. I love their patterns and fabric. Also, Happy Early Birthday!
I'll guess that November 3rd is your birthday
The occasion is your birthday and the pattern is Midnight Silhouette, which I have, too. Oh, yes, please put my name in the draw if I am right.
It is cold here in Florida. There was ice on my windshield (a rare occurrence) and it is only October! Stay warm as it is perfect quilting weather.
Wow, I'm up in the north--Canada--and we're having an absolutely wonderful fall with temperatures still plus 0!! It's terrific.
I don't know the pattern but I thought it might be called Witchy Cat or something like that. You're also just getting back from your trip on November 3rd. I gather that is your birthday?! My daughter's is the following day. She complains frequently that nothing else "important" happens on that day!
Happy Blogiversary!
Lurking Linda
Hi Carole. I will guess that it is your Birthday too!
Happy Birthday!!!
Goody - I know this one because I bought the pattern a while back! It's Midnight Silhouette by Blackbird Designs! I think I saw it on someone else's blog and had to have it for my huge to-do list! I'm guessing Nov 3rd is your birthday! Cheers!
I know what is special about the 3rd of November, it is YOUR BIRTHDAY.
A happy early birthday wish to you. How many times has your birthday fallen on our election day? Any big plans for the day?
What a perfect name for the quilt ... "Midnight's Silhouette." Pretty kitty too.
Midnight Silhouette and it's your Birthday....woohoo to you!
Your retreat sounds like a lot of fun...I look forward to hearing all about it. Are you visiting your inlaws anytime soon?
Oh you tease....I love that pattern "Midnight Silhouette", just like your kitty. And I know it's your birthday too...."Happy Birthday" to you. What a awesome picture of Midnight with the broom.
I think that's Midnight Silhouette.
For your retreat - I get away with friends twice a year. I always pack more than I can work on! I do try to bring a mix of projects, so if I need a change of pace, I have something simple to work on. I like to pack a task light - and a 12" sq cutting mat - saves trips to the big mat. Oh - and be sure to pack your power cord (wonder how I know). Have fun!
Happy Birthday to you Carole!!! And I guess I'm going with Midnight Silhouette. Only cause I copied Wendy. LOL Have fun at your retreat. Hope you get lots done.
November 3 is your birthday
joycee2561 at yahoo dot com
I wish we could average our temperatures we've still got temps up to 100!! No idea about the pattern but I'll guess that Nov. 3 is your birthday. Is the name of the pattern Midnight Silhouette? I'm cheating now...I looked at the other answers lol!!
Well, it's your birthday - of course! And, the pattern is Midnight Silouette - silly!
Hi again. Just checking to see if my email is automatic now!
Lurking Linda
Why , I do believe it would be your birthday coming up. Have a happy one, and enjoy your retreat.
Pre election party? Halloween late celebration? BIRTHDAYS??? hee!
Happy B'day to you on November 3. We had a lovely cat named Midnight who is long since gone to kitty heaven. Seeing your photo of your Midnight took me back several years to when our Midnight was a sweetie in our house!
Carole, thanks for the encouraging words. She didn't do all that well on the test, so now she has to dig herself out of a hole. I used part of a pattern Quack Quack from the book Wonderfully Whimsical Quilts by Carol Burniston. It was originally the border on a quilt, but I just used the duckie applique as the center of my block. The block is 12" finished, with 2" finished sashing and 2" x 2" keystones. The outer border is 4" finished. Hope this helps.
November 3rd is Happy birthday to Carole day! Looking forward to hearing all about your retreat and seeing lots of pics too.
I admit to cheating and looking back to last Nov. 3rd!
Happy Birthday, Carole. I know your retreat will be a lot of fun.
Oh Carole, it's your B Day on November 3rd, I have my own way of remembering. A Happy day for you! Would love to send you a stray black cat that showed up a couple of days ago, our cats hate her. Nancy
Hi Carol,
A very Happy Birthday to you on November 3 and the pattern appears to be called Midnight Silhouette by Blackbird Designs.
I did think of another name for the design when I saw it- Black Cat a Rising...
I hope you had a great retreat..
The pattern is Midnight Silhouette by my favorite Blackbird ladies - Alma and Barb. And I presume that tomorrow - November 3rd - is your birthday. Today was my DH's so we celebrated with the kids. I hope you had a great time at your retreat - I love retreats! I have one next weekend.
Have a great time on retreat!
You'll get a lot finished without the distractions of home.
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