I started this quilt back in September 2006. I fell in love with the purple fabric in the half square triangle.
I was going to use it for the border but I made a cutting mistakes. I forgot that I was working with half square triangle and cut too many squares. That's what you get for designing a quilt as you go! lol Oh well, it gave me an opportunity to buy more fabric! lol
The renovations are coming along!

The finishing touches always seem to take longer to accomplish. Stephen is still plugging away at the closets. With the old wood that we salvaged from the renovations he's making closet shelving. Beats painted shelves! lol
I need to vent about something that annoyed me this week. Last year Gayle from Strawberry and Rhubarb asked me if I would monitor Libby's class at VQF. Being the sponsor and provider of the sewing machines, she wanted someone who could assist the students with the Bernina machines should something go wrong. She felt that she wanted to keep her trained staff for the booth. So, I gladly accepted. Around February of this year, I confirmed if all was well for VQF; she said she would call me a bit before the show to provide me with all the details. A couple of weeks prior to the class, having received no calls, I phoned her shop and left a detailed message. No reply! I phoned again a few days before the show and still no returned call. I'm having a difficult time with this and find it disrespectful. If she no longer needed my services, why not just tell me so that I can free up that time! I haven't decided yet how I should deal with this. Thanks for allowing me to vent! ;o)
Have a great day everyone and thanks for stopping by!
That's a pretty quilt. The stairs are simply gorgeous!
I tend to avoid face-to-face conflict so I would write her a letter and tell her how your feel.
Very pretty quilt! You are going to have lots to quilt when your baby comes home!
nice quilt top.........
You will have a lot to quilt when your new toy comes. I agree it is very disrespectful not letting you know if she doesn´t want you to assist, time is so valuable.
Very pretty quilt. I agree with sending a letter. Your time is important, and she needs to realize that.
OH BOY!!! I think I'm the wrong one to talk to about your situation. But let me talk anyway. LOL!!! Why stop now I ask you?? I too have been in that same position and just recently I might add. It's so rude and you should not have to call and ask she should have called you!!! You set aside your time and then your not needed so they ignore you. I think that's awful!!!!!! And I agree with the others above I'd write her a "nice" little letter. But it wouldn't be nice at all. No excuse for this.
Your quilt is beautiful!!!
I agree, write a letter. I would point out how you agreed to give up your time and how you find it unforgivable that they don't have the decency to confirm the details with you.
Your DD is the same as Gemma, she has more quilts than the rest of us put together.
love and hugs xxx
Love the quilt...Love the stairs...hmm might have to steal that idea :o)
and yes the finishing touches do take the longest...but you're so close to being finished...yippee
Love the quilt top and the stairs are so pretty.
I guess I would leave her a message saying I won't be there. :(
Your stairs are gorgeous! the finishing touches do take the longest but, ohhhhhhh so worth the time!
Lovely quilt. Your new toy is going to be very busy when you get it! *s*
I hate confrontation, I am not sure what I would do. Probably like Yvonne said, leave a message that you won't be available.
Lovely quilt, and great-stairs. I think I would write a note, and say because she never got back to you and you tried multiple times, you can no longer keep the time available and have other plans.
Your Fairy Garden quilt turned out so pretty. Lucky girl!
If I were in your situation, after leaving so many messages that were not returned, I would go ahead and make other plans for that day. If you ever do hear for her, you can sweetly say, "Oh my goodness, when I didn't hear from you after leaving four messages for you, I assumed you no longer needed me! I am so sorry, but now I have made other plans for that date. Isn't that just a shame?"
Nice quilt top and congrats on finishing it. Those steps are so pretty too. We just finished our basements steps in a similar fashion, after living in the house for 29 years! I have to remind myself that patience isa virtue, lol.
As far as the ill mannered shop owner - I think I would not waste anymore time or aggravation on the situation. Make your plans and if she should call, and you have something scheduled - just tell her when you didn't hear back you made other plans. Just remember, life happens though, and she may be ill or have some crises in her life right now. Give her the benefit of the doubt, but don't tie up your time any longer....and that is my two cents worth.
That quilt is so beautiful. You are very clever and patient to get it done.
Just catching up on all your works while I was gone. It looks as though you have been really sewing up a storm. Great looking quilts!
Okay to vent. You are right as that is so disrespectful to you and your time. I'll bet that you are glad, however, to have unexpected free time. I love that part of change of plans.
Beautiful quilt top! I love your stairs too the wood is just yummy!
It's so funny that you posted your In the Pink quilt as I am also finishing up a bargello quilt with these same fabrics-it was supposed to be finished for my daughter's sixteenth bday-she is now 18!
You sure have been a busy bee lately! Keep up the inspirational postings!
That's a wonderful quilt, I like the border you put on it. The stairs look gorgeous, you must be getting really excited about getting it all finished. I don't know what to suggest, how rude of her not to even return your calls. Your right she could have at least acknowledged you and said sorry I won't need you after all but not replying is just awful.
Everything looks gorgeous. Quilts, house and all. Congrats on passing exams. Glad to see your burst of energy!
Ooohhhh, I love that quilt top Carole! I love the combo of the lattice with the 1/2 square triangles -- VERY nice!
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