Benjamin Moore calls this colour Celestial Blue. It has a purpulish tone to it. We originally went with Feather Soft but once on the wall, we found it to be a tad too dark.
Stephen still has the baseboards and one window to finish and it's onward to making the closets functional. I'm hoping to be in the room soon.
On the quilting front, gosh have I been sewing! I have been tackling that long UFO list. Of course this finishing/flimsy business does have some hidden costs. ;o) I've had to shop for a backing for 2 (two) of the quilts I completed! ;o) It's rough but some one's gotta do it! lol
I cannot say that I enjoyed piecing this top. My blocks were not that square. I had to fudge to get it to look half way acceptable.
I pieced the blocks for this quilt on Bernina 180. I've come to the conclusion that I do not like to piece with that machine. Due to the 9mm stitches, it has a large feed dog area, which makes it difficult to be precise. It also doesn't like bulk, another factor in precision. I know they say you shouldn't change machine in between, but I completed the quilt top on Bernina 1090 and had no issues. I do like the 1090 much better for piecing.
Eleven (11) blocks had been "in waiting" since November 2001. The motivation was there to tackle that quilt. The blocks are only 10 inches finished so I added a frame around the blocks and 3 (three) borders to make it fit a twin/double bed.
On the school front, allow me to share some good news with you, I passed my exam! Yesterday, when I received the results I just cried! I cannot begin to tell you the relief I feel. I had been in a state of mega stress for quite some time.
For now, it's onward to the next quilt on the UFO list. Thank you so much for stopping by! Have a great day everyone!
In friendship!
Congratulations on passing your comps! I'm sure you are so relieved...and now you can just enjoy quilting and getting your sewing room ready!
As always, it's fun to see what projects you are working on.
You have been very BUSY!!! It's great that you are getting all of these tops ready for quilting and I love the color in your bedroom. I lvoe having a room painted, I'm not much on the painting part though.
Huge CONGRATULATIONS on your exam!!! I think you should celebrate bu buying yourself a new quilting machine. Oh, that's right, you already did that!
Congratulations!!!!!!! I never had one minutes worth of doubt> I knew that you would pass with flying colors! Now what, is school finished?
I love the pink and brown quilt. That color combo is on my to do list. You are going to have so many flimsys all ready to quilt when your machine gets here. How fun!!!!
I really like the color you choose for your room, it is very peaceful. Do you have a quilt all picked out to go on the bed?
Congrats all around!
Of course you passed that exam. It looks like you are sewing and painting with no breaks in between, is there no time to relax?
Yeah You! We all knew you would pass your exam *s* Now take a little breather, enjoy your new digs and play with those fabrics.
Congratulations on passing your exam. I love that blue color on your walls. It is looking great!
Stopping in to say thanks for visiting my barn. I've enjoyed reading your blog for quite awhile and enjoy your posts on the remodeling projects. Congrats on passing your exam. I had no doubt you would do great.
Congratulations on passing your exam! Apparently you work well with that stress -- you've sure been working hard and getting a lot done -- love the quilts!
Congratulations on your exam!!!! Doesn't it feel so good to finish projects? I get to a point where my creativity just goes away when I have too many unfinished projects going on. And when they turn out beautiful, as yours did, it's even better :)
Your new room is looking good, beautiful color on the walls. And your long arm should be arriving almost any day, right? You are having a wonderful Summer!!!!
Congratulations on your exam, can feel your relief :)
Love the room progress, going to be beautiful.
So many accomplishments! Way to go!
Thanks for stopping by Stillmeadow today! Carole, you are a totally driven woman, school, quilts, renovations (love the blue), family, do you manage all of this?
Quilting is usually a happy place to lose myself, judging by the pretty quilts you produce, you must find it to be a comfy pastime too.
I can understand the relief you feel now that you know the exam has been passed. No more niggling in the back of your mind as to how you did. Congratulations.
Oh boy do I ever know how you feel about school and finishing that exam. My ALL day exam was exhausting. My hubby said I was giddy afterwards. Big congrats to you for getting through it all.
I love your new quilts, the pink and brown is my favourite. The new room is shaping up nicely, great choice in paint colour.
Beautiful quilts. I love the Sampler.
love and hugs xxx
Congrats on passing your exam! Your room is looking lovely and your quilts are gorgeous.
First and foremost --- CONGRATULATIONS!!! I bet you feel relief - good for you, and now you can have a nice relaxing summer - sort of -LOL Is life ever really relaxing?
That is a very pretty colour - very soft for a bedroom.
I will be looking forward to seeing all the quilting you do once that new machine gets all set up - that will be so much fun for you. It's good you will have some tops finished up to work on.
You have certainly been busy. Painting walls and trim work is something I just do not enjoy, but I sure love the results. Your room is looking so nice. Great job on the quilts and on passing your exam!
Congratulations Carole! What a load off your mind!
Every time I see your In the Pink quilt, I kick myself for not using the same block pattern with mine!
Enjoyed seeing all your progress on the UFO's! Wow! And congratulations on passing your exam!
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