Here I sit at the computer in a complete, well partial, vegetative state. What a hectic 2 (two) weeks it's been with the barn raising and the hosting so many guests. I haven't even had time to clean my house yet due to my schedule. Oh, and we won't get into how behind I am in the lives of my dear friends on Blog Land never mind e-mails! sigh ....
Tuesday was spent getting some paper work in order and filed accordingly. Running down to Plattsburgh for an appointment. The evening was spent at the Viking dealer atttending my Embroidery from A to Z class. I didn't even get a change to prepare for the class.
Wednesday was spent at Lake Clear, NY with my Girl Scout troop. Colleen, the other leader, stayed and had lots of adults to help so I was able to leave late afternoon for some training at Council. I was thankful for the opportunity to get away.
Jennifer came over last night for a margarita. I made a plate of cheese and crackers and we chatted over our drink of preference. It was great to be able to decompress after such a hectic schedule. I felt so relaxed and enjoyed our conversation.
Here it is, the source of my busy life. Work started Friday afternoon with only 3 (three) people, DH, his father and brother in-law. They were able to put the bulk of the frame up to make it ready for the workers/helpers the following day.
Stephen had done all of the carving prior to this, so it was a question of putting the puzzle pieces together. I'm really impressed with my sweetie, the margin of error was minimal.
Of course my father in law started to tell me that they were really working on my new sewing studio. Yea, right! But I thought about the idea this morning and you know, it wouldn't be so bad. Who would walk out of the house to come and get me to solve a problem or make something. Hum..... of course it would have to be designed differently. I could have my own apartment! lol
Today, I shall be quilting. I need it badly!
Have a great day everyone!
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Now that would be one lovely quilt studio, are you sure you can't twist your hubby's arm? Enjoy your day, today sounds like you need to unwind.
I am dashing about, getting ready for taking vacation, and glanced at your blog post and that nifty barn, only seeing the words "quilting studio"! What if, what if???? Now THAT would be MY kind of quilting studio. I actually WAS brought up (practically) in a barn and a barn woud be my kind of great place! Even if you don't get to keep it for YOUR stuff, it's still a fine looking barn. Love the foundation!
It's looking good and it's great the way it came together with the help of your friends.
Now that might make a good workshop for DH. That could give you more room in your quilt studio...hmmmm
What a great job your hubby has done. Enjoy your down time today. Quilting therapy is always a great relaxer.
Take care. Hugs.
Hmm - it does have potential doesn't it. But would that mean that the lawn mower would need to go into the old quilting room - LOL. Love the stone foundation.
Relax and unwind, Carole! Sounds like you've earned it! I'm guessing school will start back up before you know it--are you taking fall classes? Enjoy your quilting!
Glad you made yourself calm down and decompress, you dearly needed that. The barn is lovely, ah yes-- it would make a divine studio space, even in jest... even though I think mine is tops I sometimes dream about how much better it would be if it weren't connected to the rest of the house; I'm much too accessible! Ha!!
How neat! Yes I dream of a separate sewing house!
Probably this can be used as a sewing/quilting studio! Hope you could do some quilting.
WOW what a great little place. It really would be a darling sewing room wouldn't it? But like our little shed out back, not enough room for all out stuff. I mean treasures.
A busy week capped with quality time with a friend, drinks and snacks. Sounds wonderful.
The barn is coming along well. It would make a great sewing studio.
That would be a lovely studio -- think they could halt the construction for a sewing room re-design?!?
I'm brand new to blogging as of this week and just checked out your blog and thoroughly enjoyed it. I'll visit again soon! Hope life calms down for you.
Love the building - it's beautiful! How wonderful for a sewing studio! Mine is upstairs, and far away from everything that goes on downstairs - it's the best!I feel like I'm a world away.
Your husband is a very talented man!
It's beautiiful, but going outside to sew is a real pain. I should know! I used to have to walk down a few steps to get to my sewing room, not so nice when it's cold and dark (but private at least LOL)
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