I have 9 (nine) more of those lower designs to stitched out and it's going to be ready for machine quilting. I think there are 20 designs in total.
You know, I used to be phobic about hooping. Oh alright, I'll admit it, I was phobic about anything having to do with machine embroidery! lol I mean, stabilizers can be so intimidating. What to use, when to use it and how to use it! I could never understand it all.
Well, let me tell you, I'm getting to be an old pro at this. I am beyond goodie bags! lol I think I've even got a handle on stabilizers and if I don't, what ever I'm doing is working out swell. Heck, I'm not even afraid of hooping anymore. I've got that hooping business down pat!
I can certainly see machine embroidery becoming addictive! It's all about the multi tasking! While that baby is panting away, I can do something else. It's marvelous! lol
What have I been doing you might ask? Well, catching up with school work and blogs. I also have a machine applique project coming together and some hand embroidery still in the process. Gotta love that multi tasking! lol
On another note, it's wonderful that Spring is finally here. I'm hoping that it means that the snow will start to melt. I am so ready for a change of season!
Ooops, time for a thread change! ;o) Have a great weekend every one!
Looking very good Carole....you're inspiring me to get some embroideries done. :)
Wow that is some project you are doing. I did embroider 2 t-shirts yesterday. I have to clean up the threads and then I will take pictures. My big project I will start one of these days, bluework tall ships machine embroidered, incorporated into a king sized quilt.
You mean you don't have to tend the machine and move the fabric? That's just crazy talk *s*
Considering how far you've gotten on the project, that machine must be smoking!!!!
I love machine quilting but don't you hate it when the thread breaks while you're multitasking? The projects are so great out on the market these days. Can't wait to see it all done.
Great job!! No matter how much I do machine embroidery, (I have been doing it for about 9 years) it still amazes me to sit and watch the machine work. Fascinating machines!!! I LOVE them!!!!
You are definitely becoming a pro - beautiful work. I have an embroidery machine that sits quietly in the cupboard because it intimidates the heck out of me. LOL I'll just sit back and watch you! :-)
Look at you go!!!!!!!! Have a wonderful weekend!!!
That's an amazing tree skirt you are doing. I just know I'd get the measurements off!
It is amazing how that machine can do the embroidery, but if you think about it, it couldn´t do it without YOU *VBS*
Poor baby machine, needs a little cool drink and a rest in the shade! hahaha! Such pretty embroidery!
Wow ... I can see the smoke coming out of your machine! Can't wait to see your project when it is done.
That book is going in my cart! It looks great thanks for sharing! I started back walking/running yesterday must be something in the air :)
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