Thursday, January 24, 2008

A give away -Time for some new friends!

Well, since I haven't much to share with you in the way of quilting, I thought I would brag a bit about a few gifts I received from friends in Blog Land.

These treasures come from Sharon. Aren't they just the cutest?

I tell you that chocolate bar was delicious! Had I known it was that good, I wouldn't have shared it with anyone! ROFLOL

Yea, silly me brought it to my machine embroidery class. Big mistake! I didn't think I'd like a peppermint chocolate bar! Wrong!

Now, if you haven't been keeping up with Sharon's blog Red Geranium Cottage, I invite you to do so. Not only is she funny, kind and generous, but she's a hoot to read. I always enjoy reading a post from her. Let me warm you though, she doesn't give "Spew Warnings", so make sure you're not drinking anything when you read her blog. Don't say I didn't warn you!!!

Now, I received these beautiful treasures from Pam down at Pam's Page. Aren't they just the loveliest?

Notice there are 2 (two) chocolates! Well, I didn't make the same mistake twice. No sirrreee! I tested them before I even gave it a thought to share. Fortunately, that was the right thing to do cause they were yummy. Well, I did let dd have a small bite! But that's all!

Look at that cute mitten! It's Pam's first attempt at working with wool and she gave it to moi! I feel honoured! It's just so sweet of her to think of me this way. Of course we won't talk about my constant nagging at her to try wool! ROFLOL I love the sewing case!

If you haven't paid Pam a visit, I suggest that you do so. She's a hoot. You might want to check out her new shades. She's styling!

I received these two hand embroidery pattern from none other than May Britt.

I just love the trollbarn stitchery! It is so unique! It is from Norway, Langebraaten design.

Now, if you haven't paid a visit to May Britt at Abyquilt, I invite you to do so. She's presently offering "kicks in the butt" for those in need of one in order to complete a WIPS or UFO. I'll be heading on over there after this post for one myself! LOL Yes, Darlene I should be quilting but I just had to do this! ;o)

Okay, now for the give away.

It would appear, according to a couple of my friends, Darlene and Sharon, that the way to friendship is to offer a "give away". Well, it's been a while since I've had one of those so why not today!

Let's celebrate my 154th post! Yea for me! Notice I've been in Blog Land longer than Sharon and haven't reached my 200th yet! ;o)

So leave a comment on this post and I will gather up a gift bag of goodies. Oh, how I love to shop with a purpose. Deadline January 31, 2008 draw to take place in February!

Have fun and thanks for stopping by! In friendship!


Vicki W said...

Wow! You have been getting some good mail - congratulations!

Anonymous said...

What lovely mail, and such a nice variety, but I see a theme there of
Trying real hard not to laugh too much at youre tounge in check comment about sorry I just couldn't hold it back any longer......

Unknown said...

It seems you do like chocolate, well you are not the only one. I would not want to stop you on a trip to the quilt shop either! Happy 154th post!
You were very lucky to receive all these goodies. Take care.

Jeanne said...

Talk about a good mail day! I bet you're still smiling from all of the goodies you received.

Beth said...

How much fun to receive all of those goodies, and chocolate too. That is what I would call a GREAT MAIL DAY!!! I am new to the blog world, still working on creating my blog. I do enjoy reading your blog, it is very inspiring.

May Britt said...

Enjoy the patterns :)
It's always fun to surprise a friend.

Nancy Anne in the Finger Lakes said...

Congratulations on #154! I enjoy stopping by and seeing what you are up to. I really enjoyed the trip to Pennsylvania with you!

Darlene said...

Yes, you are suppose to be quilting but this post was wonderful. LOL Great giftees and treasures from wonderful people!

OK, if you send goodies to me I'll be your BFF. OK????? That's how it works. LOL

Congrats on 154 posts - woohoo!


antique quilter said...

Don't you just love surprises in the mail. YOu certainly were lucky!
I posted about Sharon today too, and yes I gave the same warning!

MARCIE said...

Lots of cute stuff there Carole! I can't wait to see your tree quilt. Is that from Thimbleberries?

Annie said...

I need a good kick up the but so might go over to Abby Quilt - so many projects so little time. I have been working on that problem however during the holiday, but the time has been ripe for gardening lately.

atet said...

Oooh -- congrats on 154 posts! And if you're buying goodies -- I'm going to be the first in line! Wooo Hooo!

Sweet P said...

Happy 154th post! Those are wonderful goodies. If I win can you include a goodie made by your DH? I love his work.

dot said...

Happy 154th. I enjoy your blog and look forward to 154+ more. You certainly have received some very nice goodies.

Chookyblue...... said...

oh well what ever the excuse you can always do a all the prezzys you have received in the mail........lucky girl.....

Julia said...

Oh my, what fun mail!! I would love to get a goody bag from you. Congratulations on 154!!!!!!!

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Helllooooooooooo, it's moi!! So your taking after me huh? Well let me just tell you this will heed you lots of new friendships thru blogland and about. But please ignore Darlene's comment up there and PICK ME!!!!

Anne Ida said...

What a bunch of goodies! Lucky girl, you :o)

chook said...

congrats on all your goodies blogger love is fantastic
hugs Beth

Meredith said...

Well my year is up now and I do not yet have 100 posts guess I am behind. Happy 154 to you and many more.

Kim said...

Congrats on your 154th post, Carole!! You get great mail too!!
Still plugging along on the second rag rug :)

Anonymous said...

Ooohhh, did someone say give away??

I loved seeing all the goodies you received; and we all learn from our chocolate mistakes!

I hope you don't mind, but I put a link to your blog on my website.

Anonymous said...

Darn somehow I am anonymous! Fat fingered the keyboard... in any case - let's try again.

Ooohhh, did someone say give away??

I loved seeing all the goodies you received; and we all learn from our chocolate mistakes!

I hope you don't mind, but I put a link to your blog on my website.

Shelina said...

Those are nice gifts you received. Wow, 23 comments already. You certainly do have a lot of friends.

Wendy said...

Do I spy some Roger's chocolates from Pam??? You must be special, those are hard to find, the only store is in Victoria. I love receiving surprise packages too...and blogging friends are the best at that. Here's to another 154 posts...teehee.

country mouse said...

What great gifts. I like that kind of mail so much better than the stuff that normally shows up in my mailbox! lol Happy 154th post :D

Unknown said...

Lucky you to receive all this funny mail. Congratulations on the 154th post.

Kim said...

Congrats on #154! And you are lucky to have such generous friends!

Nicole said...

Congratulations on your many blog posts! You certainly do have a lot of generous friends Carole!

Libby said...

Delightful (& delicious) goodies you got there *S* Funny how the posts just start to add up.

Jo said...

Hi there Carole, found your blog via Leanne Beasley's. I loved reading your posts, especially the ones about your amish adventures. I too am completing a masters, and am forever feeling guilty as I try to fit in as much stitching as possible into my uni time. Have added you to my bloglines account so I can automatically see when you post! Have a good day

Gail said...

congrats on the lovely parcel, I admit it's very hard to share the chocolate.... just an excuse to buy more so there is plenty to go around!!!

Anonymous said...

What lovely presents you have received, I am sure you will cherish these and have much please making them up.
Bev C

Kim said...

I bit of chocolate and a few fun quilty things is such fun. I appreciate the posts you write. I always leave your company feeling inspired.

I'm headed to Rosie's in San Diego tomorrow morning and I can't wait to see it. I hear it's huge and fabulous.

Angela said...

My goodness havent you been blessed! Thank you for passing the blessings along.

Quilter Kathy said...

With all that chocolate eating going on, and all that extra energy, you'll be quilting all those UFO's before you know it!

Quinta da Quilter said...

Happy 154th!!!

I really enjoy reading your blog! It is a real treat! I am heading up north your direction soon and have noted all the nearby quilt shops - thanks for making it a bit easier to find them!

Annie said...

I need to get around in blogland more often. Congrads on all your aquired gifts - lots of fun!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Carole,
I was just at Red Geranium Cottagee's site looking at her blog and found yours!! I saw you did a santa table topper for her swap . My MIL collects Santas and I would love to get this pattern and make it for her! Can you tell me the pattern and where I could get one?? You do awesome job! Glad I found your blog


Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

What a lovely selection of goodies you have received from blog friends....

Ginger Patches said...

wow fun mail you've been getting! I love all those blogs too! "Spew warning" that's good ROFL :)

Unknown said...

Happy 154th post - the chocolate sounded yummy!

swooze said...

How do you like the sound of this chocolate bar? It has chili pepper and cherries in it. You definitely have to eat it the "right" way.

Tracey in CT said...

Isn't it wonderful to get goodies in the mail rather than just bills? You've got some really nice things there!

Denise (Nour) said...

Happy 154th posting on your blog! I hope I can get that far some day... Great gifts!!!

Teresa said...

You have a great site and I do enjoy reading your posts. How fun of you to offer a give-away. I will have to have a go at that myself soon. Count me in!

Yvonne said...

Congrats my friend. :) Your gifts are wonderful....bloggy friends are the best.

Janet said...

Lovely goodies, Carole: I want to join in the fun!!! Have been thinking of ways to celebrate when I hit 50 blogs - keep an eye out!!!
Janet in cold bright and sunny nova Scotia

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