Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I'm Stuck!

Not in a rut! Actually, my life has finally settled school wise. I made the decision to drop a class. You see, I only need one (1) class to complete my credit requirements, so why make myself crazy busy when not necessary? I am enjoying the stress free time! ;o)

This is where I am stuck, on my hand embroidery project. The outline of the pumpkin calls for the fly stitch. Many of you were kind enough to provide me with a link that offered a visual instruction on the stitch. However, I just can't seem to wrap my brain around the process. So, I have put the project aside until I figure this out.

One thing I did learn was not to use a Sketch and Wash pencil. My design has been fading! You see, I'm fearful of using a Pigma pen in case I make a mistake tracing. How will I be able to correct it? I figured that by using a washable pencil, I would be able to eliminate my tracing mistakes. Perhaps a regular pencil would work better. Then again, maybe I need to work on my tracing skills. lol

On the quilting front!

I have completed all of the blocks for our daughter's "winter quilt". I do like the fabrics, so rich looking!

Stephen feels that it's not juvenile enough for our daughter. His reasoning is that by the time she is old enough, the quilt will be used up and I'll have made another one more her age. I don't know! The thought of making a childish winter quilt just doesn't appeal much to me. At least not with the fabrics I have seen thus far!

Perhaps I should pay more attention to Yuletide fabrics that are geared for the younger crowd! I do have enough fabrics left to make it a tad bigger! I'll see!

Thanks for stopping by! Have a great day every one!


Katie said...

It's lovely. And why shouldn't she be pleased with something "grown-up"? I'll bet you'll be making her something new for a future Christmas anyway. :)

Darlene said...

WooHoo - you dropped the extra class! I'm really glad to hear that!

I use a mechanical pencil to trace my stitchery patterns and it works great.

I like the new quilt alot. Very yummy.

dot said...

I like the pumpkin. I have no ideas on tracing. It is always a guess for me on how to do it.

The winter quilt is loverly. I really like the colors. Sometimes little girls need a bit of grown up. Who says she can't have two winter quilts. Maybe another in the works.

May Britt said...

Another link on the fly stitch. This time a video, please try again:
I've looked at it and it is very good explenation of the stitch.

Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

The quilt is wonderful. And so is the punkin -- why not use a stitch that you are comfortable with?

Anonymous said...

Your stitchery is looking wonderful, I use a fine tipped blue water erasable pen. Like you I don't like the idea of using a pigma pen in case I made a boo boo. Once I've finished my stitching I just hold the item under running cold water until all traces of the blue have gone. Love your quilt for your daughter, very warm looking.

Kim said...

Love the quilt so far--looks great! As far as the needlework, I'm pretty clueless! LOL! I'm sure you'll figure it out, though. Can't be any harder than the class you dropped, can it?! LOL!

Nan said...

Your pumpkin is beautiful! And, so is the quilt for your daughter - I love it, and so will she!
I'm glad you dropped a class, and have some time to de-stress and breathe!

Libby said...

Those embroidery stitches can feel defeating sometimes. How about if you practice a few stitches on a scrap fabric or even a piece of paper. Draw out the design (up at A down at B . . .) Maybe that will help sort it out. Even as a 'righty' I find that working backwards or upside down from the diagram can be helpful.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh her quilt is beautiful! that sketch and wash pencil is interesting - I have to check that out for hand quilting! Good luck on the stitch for the pumpkin - I know I would be of no help!!! :)

Chookyblue...... said...

long time no hear......pleased to see you are into a stitchery quilt...take care......

Anonymous said...

Very pretty. Have you tried using one of the blue, water soluble felt pens for marking quilts? I see you quilt too, maybe you have one? I like those better than the pencil, I have one of those too. The color stays in and then with a little water it comes out when you're done.

Unknown said...

I agree with you the colors are very rich looking, it will make a great quilt.

Cheryl said...

I think your daughter will love that quilt. The colors are wonderful. I agree with Nancy, use a stitch you are comfortable with - the pumpkin is coming out so cute!

Wendy said...

Keep trying with the fly stitch you'll get it. Think about making U shapes when doing this stitch.

I love the winter quilt for your daughter. As long as she is happy with it then that's all the matters.

Good for you on dropping the extra class...why get stressed out.

CONNIE W said...

Never heard of the fly stitch so I'm going to find out what it is. The embroidery is looking really nice. I've been doing some embroidery on my Journey of a Quilter BOM. It's relaxing in-front-of-the-TV work for me.

Anonymous said...

Fons and Porter make a wash out lead pencil that works great. They sell in a package of two pencils and a sharpner. You can get them at Joann's or Hobby Lobby. I use this pencil for all my stitchery.

kate said...

If your daughter likes the fabric in the quilt, great. (It is beautiful and very rich looking.) If not, there is a great Moda fabric called Holly Jolly Christmas. Below is the link if you want to see it.

I really enjoy your blog.

Anonymous said...

Love the pumpkin. Your doing a great job. Why worry about that stitch. You can do anything you like there. And I know your daughter will love that quilt. It's great. Very pretty. But then all of your quilts are.

Greenmare said...

The pumpkin is beautiful! I hope you figure out the stitch so we can see it finished soon!
beautiful holidy quilt too!!!

atet said...

I love your pumpkin embroidery -- I've been eyeing that one for myself as well -- oh my, I need another project like I need holes in my head!

As for your daughter's quilt -- I think it's lovely, and if your daughter likes it, that's the end of it. Though, like another quilter -- the Holly Jolly fabrics that are out this year are lovely and while a bit more "cartoonish" they are ones she could still grow into!

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