Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Trip down memory lane .... Part 1

 Last year, my summer vacation took place in Newfoundland, Canada. I have always wanted to visit this province, it is far but so worth it. It did not disappoint, well one thing did but that's for later.

My focus last summer was on the western side of Newfoundland. 

I took the overnight ferry from Sydney, Nova Scotia to Port aux Basque, NF. My ride!

The ferry ride was wonderful and I managed to capture this lovely sun rise as he headed towards inland.

Once on land, I was free to roam as I will. I had no plans, no reservations, no nothing ... it would be a vacation full of unknowns, just me and my camera. I would camp where ever was available. It all worked out fine. 

My lovely home while in NF ... it was cozy!

I worked my way up the eastern coast and, let me tell you, it is absolutely gorgeous ... miles and miles of ocean coast interspersed with small quaint villages along the way. 

I stayed a couple of nights at Gros Morne National Park. There, I witness some beautiful sunsets.

The beach was close to my camp site and so accessible. I would go there at night and gaze at the stars. There was no light pollution, it was a crystal clear sky, miles and miles of stars. I had never seen the edge of the Milky Way and there it was, in all its beauty. I was in awe! 

I worked my way up the northern coast to L'Anse aux Meadow National Historic Site and visited a viking settlement dated over 1,000 years. Ah, Columbus was not the first to North America! 

The Viking shore.

Viking village and homes.

I have to hand it to the Government of Canada for preserving historic sites and making them accessible to the public. I have never been disappointed with any Canadian National Parks. 

Stay tune ... more to come! Catch you all later!

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