We have not had a good snow storm this winter at all. Every winter storm has by passed us people way up north, you know, the ones that are suppose to get snow in the winter time. Perhaps the Heat Miser has now relinquished the North back to his brother, Snow Miser! It's high time! lol

It's DD's tree house! It was build last summer prior to the renovations!
I've always been under the impression that a tree house was made of left over wood; anything you could scrounge! Not this one, we had to budget for it! lol Stephen's reasoning was, "if I have to look at it, I want it to be nice." Nice it is!
All she needs now is running water and electricity! When that comes in, I'm moving in! lol
On the quilting front, I've been a busy bee! One project that keeps me busy is the Jo's Little Women' Club. I organize this club at the Shoppe and I really enjoy it. Jo Morton has created lots of cute projects for each club.

It was the first quilt we made from the Club 9 pattern set.
I must admit, I'm turning into a Jo Morton Groupie! lol
I just love her fabrics. Needless to say, we have a nice collection at the Shoppe.
The second quilt I want to show you from Club 9 is this little one.

It's called Bittersweet Stars!
I ended up giving this quilt to DD as a Christmas gift. It's perfect for Kit's doll bed!
I need to come up with a name other than DD. Thimbleanna has such cute names for each of her family members. Must think of something....
Back to Jo, I must admit, making these little quilt projects has taught me a lot about piecing and precision. They've also great for providing me with the opportunity to express myself using exclamations from my not so socially acceptable repertoire of adjectives! lol
Jo Morton has said that her club projects are skill builders and she is right! My piecing has improved tremendously since I started making these small projects. The smaller the pieces, the less room you have to fudge! Precision is key! I love it!
Thanks for stopping by! I hope you are enjoying your day where ever you are on this good earth! Piece!
Awww, thanks for the lovely naming compliment. Sometimes I think that the nicknames are annoying -- like MeMum -- it came from the old English way of saying "me mum did so and so", but it doesn't sound right when it's squished together!
Love those little quilts -- they're amazing -- I would never have guessed that second one is so small. And Lucky you for a snow day! We got half a day, but still had to work from home -- Booo!
I heard on the news last night that 30 states were affected by this latest blast from Old Man Winter. It's nice to know that we here in Nova Scotia aren't the only ones who are experiencing winter overload.
Love your minis, Carole. As a recipient of one of your fantastic creations, I can attest to their precision and beauty. It's my Fave!
Take care and keep warm.
wholey smokes i need to be really precise...............scary............but so looking forward to the adventure........
the quilts look great...........
The quilts are very pretty and I know they are a challenge.
I have been hearing about all the snow you have been having in the east. Someone told me Boston had 8 FEET!! Nice to have a snow day though - it is always good to have an excuse to stay home and play with fabric.
I have been working on one little quilt from the Jo Morton quilt club. I bought it a couple of years ago at the shop in Bellingham. So cute and I love Jo Morton fabrics. I just took it out last weekend to make up.
Have a good week.
I love, love, love those quilts and the fabrics you use!!!
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