You know how they say a picture is worth a thousand words, this is how I spent Tuesday working at the Shoppe. Both slip on shoes! Need I say more?
I won't even begin to tell you how my day went. What a crazy day! By the way, those are slip on shoes!
You see, I've done this two (2) different shoe thing before, many, many, many moons ago, but at least both shoes were black. A black and white shoe, this is a first!
Strangely, I didn't even notice until well into lunch time. I'm walking around as if everything was normal. I can just imagine what customers were thinking. Once I realized what was on my feet, I cracked up laughing! I'm sure I made a few people laugh too!
As for quilting, I've been plugging away at my Women of Influence quilt. I decided to use that quilt to work on my perfectionism. When it came to machine quilting with Penelope, it was difficult for me to let it go and just do it, but I think I'm managing.
I used to dread "in the ditch" work with Penelope. Anything that I wanted in the ditch or 1/4 inch away, I would use my domestic sewing machine. Vicki from Field Trips in Fiber suggested a nifty little ruler she uses.
It's called The Bitty ruler by Off the Edge Quilting.
I have to agree with Vicki, it's also become one of my favourite tools. I'm actually enjoying doing ditch work!
Last night, I spent some time with Penelope and noticed how much control I had on my machine. It's helping a lot in making machine quilting so much more relaxing for me.
I have so much more to tell you but I will end it here and save the rest for later. Hopefully I wont have a time management deficiency and remember to post in a timely manner.
Thank you for stopping by! Cheers!
Welcome back stranger! I've missed you. The two shoe that's funny!!!
I've not tried to stitch in the ditch on Daisy. I'm afraid!!!
Get some rest.........Christmas is coming.
Nice to see you again Carole. I know about the amazingly fast passing of time - before you know it 4 months have gone by!! Love the story about the shoes - obviously you are very busy with lots on your mind -LOL. Don't work too hard!
Yay -- you're back. Hopefully with more frequent postings. You're so funny -- you must be living life to the fullest (or dressing in a dark closet) to go with black and white. Great combo though LOL!!!
This is so funny, how could you have one black and one white??? *LOL*
Hi Carole ... have wondered where you were. Glad you are well and that is only time getting in your way. Love the shoe thing ... why don't you make it a weekly or monthly happening in the shoppe ... get customers to do it too! Judy from Ontario Canada
Love the two shoes. I imagine that was quite the story for the day.
That looks like an awesome ruler. It looks perfect for in the ditch work.
Hi Carole,
So nice to see you back blogging- Loved your shoe story - made me laugh. I have a friend who went to a dance with two different black pumps on ... and another, who got to school with one black and one brown shoe on- In both cases, they were surprised they didn't notice that the shoes felt different on their feet. Life just gets too busy some time.
Happy quilting on Penelope..
Love the shoes! My son did that last year, a black and a brown one. Once he realized what he did, he drove an hour home to change. I would have done as you, been laughing and showing everyone what I had done.
Happy to hear from you and glad all is well. :)
Oh dear...that was a bad day!
Enjoyed reading about your new took, even though I don't have a long arm!
Mismatched shoes could become the new fashion statement - no worries, they look cute *s*
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