It was delicious. Thanks Libby for posting your recipe. It's a keeper.
Except for the tomatoes, our garden was not productive this year. Something is causing my plants to die. Hopefully it will be rectified before next year.
I'm getting the hang of panthos. I'm not so nervous and stiff anymore. I can definitely feel the flow! lol
Oh... there was some Djupur Lakkris and some other Lakkris goodies, but they're all gone. I now have an addiction to Iceland Licorice. Thanks! lol
I thought I would use this cute stitchery as my blogger identity for when I post a comment. It's just so adorable and so true. Thank you again Guðrún!
We had to change the front door and side windows. They were 150 years old! I think they were due! lol
The original door was much wider, I mean it was huge! This will definitely help lower the cost of our heating bill. Winter is coming ya know!
That's it for now! Thanks for stopping by! I enjoy reading your comments!
Have a great day every one!
I love the new icon for you responses. It is so true.
Yep, guess winter is on the way. The days are much shorter and there is that coolness in the air. Time for comfort foods.
The quilting looks great. After trying out the longarms last week, I can definitely see where relaxation is the biggest secret. There is definitely a flow to the stitches when done while relaxed.
The new door looks great. It is wonderful to know that the old door lasted 150 years.
Oh my that saying is so true....I love it, I wish I could find the pattern. Your quilting is coming along nicely, you must be really excited to get your quilts finished.
I know what it's like with reno's in a old house, hubby has replaced all the weather stripping hopefully it will help this winter.
Your quilting is looking great and that tomato pie...YUMMERS!
I'm so glad you enjoyed the tomato pie . . .it has quickly become a family favorite around here.
Your quilting looks great. Haven't tried a panto, yet. I'm a little scared *s*
Your panto quilting is looking fantastic! I really like that panto, might have to add it to wishlist.
That pie was the best!! Randy picked a bunch more tomatoes last night. I just might make it for dinner again tonight!
I would love to go on a picture tour of your house sometime. It looks fantastic!!!!
OMG that tomato pie looks good. I'm gonna have to get that recipe from Libby. Your doing great with the quilting. Looks good!! And that door must have been a big one! WOW!
I am honored that you are going to use a picture of the stitchery as your identity when you comment. I like your new door and windows around it.
Your quilting is really coming along!
Isn't that licorice to die for! your quilting is looking great!
You have made such good progress on your quilting - and the one you are showing looks wonderful. Seems like a never ending construction process at our house too, but aren't the results wonderful!
Your quilting is wonderful! I want some of that Tomato Basil pie!!
WOW your quilting is GREAT!!!! That tomato basil pie looks great. I will be copying that recipe. A very wonderful inviting. Also, I guess I haven't visited for a while.....great header :-)!!!
Love your little stitchery and isn't Gudrun the sweetest lady!
Thank you for the tutorial on applique. I love your quilts. That pie sure looks yummy. I have enjoyed browsing on your website today.
Enjoyed seeing the quilting photo of the back of your looks like you have really caught on to the new machine.
Can we see the front now?!?! :)
I love tomato pie!! I will have to check out that recipe and see if it's different from mine--yum I think I need to make it again soon. Your quilting looks wonderful!! I'm glad it's feeling less stiff and more natural for you now :)
wow more cooking .......catching up on posts.......loved the material in the last post also.......please you are enjoying the quilting.........
The pie looks fabulous. A quilt shop I go to used to have a tearoom upstairs and they served Shaker Tomato Pie that was so yummy.
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