Sunday, April 20, 2008

MQX ... what fun!

I decided pretty much at the last minute to head off to Machine Quilters eXposition in Manchester, New Hampshire. What started as a 1 (one) day trip ended up being a 3 (three day) affair. What a great show it was! I am definitely going back next year!

I drove to Manchester Thursday morning and quickly registered in. They give you a bag full of goodies and a name tag. Gotta love those name tags! You never have to worry about forgetting names, including your own! lol

I spent some time test driving various longarm. MQX is the place to be to learn about the available longarms/midarms on the market. I was quite impressed with A-1 longarm. It's a smooth running machine. Didn't seem fussy at all with threads. They had one model running on metallic thread. You should have seen that baby go! It preformed much better than my embroidery machine! lol

I met up with Vicki from Field Trips in Fiber . What a wonderful soul Vicki is. She graciously sent me pictures to share with you as I had forgotten my camera. Isn't she just the sweetest? I had such a great time.

We had lunch and pretty much shopped till we dropped. I tell you, that girl can shop! lol She reminds me of Sharon. lol But, I definitely spent more money than she did. ;o) But, I'm jumping ahead of myself...!

I met lots of wonderful people. I tell you Vicki is a social butterfly and a great person to shop with. She has so much knowledge and freely shares it!

She brought me a hand made gift, almond mango and a shea butter soap as well as lotion. Isn't it pretty! I just love the packaging. The items are sitting on top of a pile of thread. So original! Geezzzz, now I know what to do with my embroidery thread cut offs! lol

She makes her own soap and lotion. I tell you, that girl has more hobbies than anyone I know! So creative!

Thank you again Vicki for meeting with me and sharing your day! You are a sweetheart!

I'm wondering if I should share all of my purchase with you or just drag this topic till the end. Hum....... I've had so little to blog about as of late. LOL

I am so excited I can hardly stand it!


Unknown said...

Well, well, did you buy a .......?

antique quilter said...

ok, just tell us which long arm machine did you buy!!!!

Chookyblue...... said...

sounds like a great time away....lovely present.....can't wait to see what you brought.....

Vicki W said...

It was a fantastic time and it was a great treat to spend the day with you! Hurry up and tell everyone!

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Is someone out there trying to give me a run for my money in the shopping dept.??? Oh no they aren't. LOL!!!! Glad you had fun and good to have you back.

Darlene said...

I'm so glad to see that you had so much fun!

Now, spill it - don't make me come over there! Start talking, NOW! LOL

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

So, where is it? (that is what my DH would say!!)
Sounds like a fun trip, Tracey

Needled Mom said...

That sounds like a dream trip. I want to hear all about the purchases you made.

Vicki sounds like she will remain a good friend.

Anonymous said...

Come on don't make us wait any longer, which one did you get? Lovely gift, lucky you.

Pam said...

Sounds like the show was very successful for you!! Did you buy a long arm???? Inquiring minds want to know -LOL

It is so great to meet a fellow blogger. I really enjoyed my visit with Patti in Washington. No shortage of things to talk about that is for sure!!

I will be waiting for pictures of purchases!

Wendy said...

Come on tell us what you bought??? Did you take the big plunge? I'm so happy you had a great trip.

Thimbleanna said...

C'mon, spill the beans! And what a cool idea to use threads in a package -- I always save my threads -- I might have to try that!

Greenmare said...

go ahead tell us which one you bought............ the A-1??

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