Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Uncle! Okay I'm in for good!

Today I received some fun mail from a dear friend of mine in Oz. I met Cheryl on the newsgroup a couple of years ago and we have been pen pals ever since. She often sends me goodies from Oz. The last time she included a tube of Vegemite! It is quite an acquired taste! :o) As a matter of fact, I still have the taste in my mouth and that was months ago! lol

Is this an insane amount of chocolate or what?

I cannot believe she sent this much chocolate. She said that it was a chocolate hug! I do need to shed some pounds and this is not helping the situation! lol Oh well, I do like hugs and chocolate ones do just fine too! :o)

Do you see the Caramello Koala? Well, hands off they're mine! lol Those are my favourite. As a matter of fact, they have already been taken out of the box and hidden. ;o) We have something similar in Canada called Caramilk, however Koalas are so much cuter! lol Would anyone like cherry ripes? I could spare a few, okay perhaps some of the other chocolates too! lol

In the box were other little goodies that DD has already claimed. There is one more goody in there that is all for me! Yep, it's all mine and I'm not sharing that either.

Isn't it packaged beautifully? Leanne's House, A Quilter's Journey. I can hear you laughing Darlene, now stop it! lol

Yes, my blogging friends, I have succumbed to the hand embroidery world! And it's all because of Wendy, May Britt, Melanie and Darlene! It's all their fault! lol They just had to keep sharing their beautiful work. It was a conspiracy you know!

It would appear that my friend Cheryl knows Ms. Leanne and graciously offered to get the patterns for me. Isn't she just the sweetest? I tell you those people from Oz are wonderful! Thank you Cheryl!

Unfortunately, until I finish my new project and complete a UFO, I will not be able to start this embroidery quilt, which gives me plenty of time to think about how I want to do it. May Britt uses a very thin batting behind her blocks to hide the threads. I'll have to think about that technique. It would certainly solve the issue of how do I machine quilt an embroidered block. I used to embroider quite a bit in my mid teens. Hum.... that would be around ..... oh never mind! I was pretty much the only girl in high school to have embellished jeans. Kool hey!

I need a hug! So I shall let you go to look at my patterns and eat some chocolates. Not the Caramello, they're hidden and only for when I need a special hug! ;o)

Have a great day every one!


Darlene said...

A chocolate hug - that's terrific!

OK, I can't help it!
more laughing

Snort - oops - sorry!

I'm so glad that you've jumped into the embroidery pool rather than just inserting your big toe. WooHoo!

Anonymous said...

Vegemite is an aquired taste, unless you were brought up on it, like I was. Make sure you spread it very thinly, it really is yummmmmmmy. Now that's an obscene amount of chocolate. Do I spy crunch bars in there? And oh how spoilt are you with that Leannne bom? Very.

Nicole said...

Oh my. It makes my teeth ache just contemplating eating all that chocolate! It's worse than Halloween candy leftovers! I could never resist.

Samantha said...

Yum- the best kind of hug ;-)

Libby said...

What a yummy treasure box - chocolates and patterns. Enjoy.

Melanie said...

Candy or quilt patterns-- tough call which is the best--- I still haven't gotten all of my patterns. I'm so excited for you. Have you got colors picked out? When you do, let me know... I want to send you a fat quarter from me to put in it as a memory...

Chookyblue...... said...

OMG what a chocolate stash...hide the caramello's I have a packet hidden in the cupboard at the are one lucky girl...spoilt......Yum.......
PS I hate vegemite...can't stand the smell even.......

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

Another Aussie here who doesn't like our national vege either, but all that choc has been my friend for many a broken relationship!
If you are interested, I would ad that I always do my embroidery with a thin batting to hide the back, otherwise it all shows right through. Cheers, Tracey

Wendy said...

That's way too much chocolate your you to eat....send some my way :-)
Oh...your stitchery is going to me so much fun. Congrats on joining the club.

Unknown said...

WOW a box full of chocolate, a great hug you got there.

Jeanne said...

Chocolate!!! I'll be right over.

Rose Johnston said...

mmmm what a yummy gift, the chocolate and the patterns....glad u jumping on the stitching wagon!!!....vegemite is yummy, spread on warm toast or in a sandwich with cheese and lettuce and u can even use it to flavour casseroles!!! im hungry lol

Anonymous said...

OMG I would just flip if someone, anyone sent me a box full of candy!!!! And what about those patterns?? That was a great mail call!!! Lucky girl.

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